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Where Evaluation Leads to Measurable Growth

Where Evaluation Leads to Measurable Growth

Elevate Educator Skills, Boost Student Outcomes

The Marzano Evaluation Center provides a unified evaluation system focused on high-impact instructional strategies. Our research-based models are designed to meaningfully develop educator skills while raising student achievement.

Does your current evaluation approach truly impact learning? It may be time for a refresh.

Our integrated models work seamlessly, creating an aligned system for effective implementation across your district. A common language of growth is established for all educators – from leaders and teachers to instructional support personnel.

Drive meaningful skill development and sustainable student gains with Marzano’s comprehensive, research-backed evaluation.

Why the Marzano Evaluation Center?

Partner with us for:

  • Evaluation backed by over a decade of ongoing research and validation
  • Observer certification process endorsed by Dr. Marzano that ensures accurate scoring and interrater reliability
  • Simple to use, high-quality instructional framework focused on the key elements that matter most for rigorous, standards-based classrooms
  • An impactful process that builds educator efficacy, drives continuous growth, and boosts student outcomes
  • User-friendly, web-based technology designed specifically for observation, collaboration and evaluation in the Marzano models
  • A systemwide evaluation framework that aligns all school and district staff to a unified vision of improved student outcomes
  • Dedicated specialized experts – evaluation is our core focus, not a peripheral offering
Meet with an Expert

The Focused Teacher Evaluation Model

Continuously develops educator expertise, fosters stimulating learning environments, and benefits everyone involved in the observation and learning process.

Student Benefits:

  • Actively engages students in constructing and utilizing their own knowledge
  • Develops essential real-world skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making
  • Fosters crucial soft skills – responsibility, collaboration, communication
  • Prepares well-rounded students for success in school and life
teacher smiling in classroom - develop teacher expertise concept

Teacher Benefits:

  • Empowers teachers with tools and resources for professional mastery
  • Provides a proven instructional framework for highly effective, rigorous standards-based teaching
  • Includes built-in techniques for thoughtful self-reflection and continuous improvement

Observer Benefits:

  • Streamlines observation process, minimizing time needed to complete
  • Follows a step-by-step approach for fair, unbiased, and accurate evaluations
  • Moves beyond vague feedback to targeted, practical strategies for instructional excellence

What Educators Are Saying

The Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model really activates teachers to think about their practice and growing as professionals. It helps us instill that kind of thinking—that we’re all constantly striving for growth and creating the right environment for it.

Sara MalinePrincipal, Arizona School for the Arts

We love the fact that the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model allows us to align multiple elements to a single quality standard—and in a state like Colorado—where you have multiple quality standards—that’s a huge help.

Mike PickeringSuperintendent, District 49 Zone, CO

We’re excited by the possibilities for teacher and student growth thanks to the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model and its support for standards-based classrooms.

Lucinda KelleyDeputy Superintendent, Hendry County District Schools, FL

I love using FTEM because it gives me very specific examples of how I can help my students succeed in the classroom. It gives me measurable ways to check myself and to check my students and it gives me great strategies to utilize in the classroom to get my students where they need to be.

Emily FreckTeacher, Brook Park Elementary, MSD of Lawrence Township, Indianapolis, IN

It's really important that all of your systems are aligned because then you can speak the same language, no matter what. Everybody is working towards that same vision of instruction and the evaluation tool just points out the different aspects of your model, of your vision, and it helps you make sure that everybody's together and aligned and it's cohesive.

Natalie SchneiderDirector of Elementary Education, MSD Lawrence Township, MD