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School Leader Evaluation

Shifting from Operations to True Instructional Leadership

Empowering School Leaders as Catalysts for Growth

School leaders are far more than operational managers. They are essential partners to teachers, directly influencing student success. Aligning the teacher and school leader models is crucial, as it fosters a shared language among teachers, principals, and their supervisors. This alignment strengthens the educational ecosystem, ensuring everyone works cohesively towards improved student outcomes.

The Marzano Focused School Leader Evaluation model is designed to support strong instructional leadership. This evidence-based framework equips school leaders with the tools, knowledge and actionable insights to elevate student outcomes and foster a culture of excellence.

Enhancing School Leadership

Simplifying evaluation with six domains and 21 elements, the Marzano Focused School Leader Evaluation framework fosters alignment between instructional and organizational leadership, ensuring balanced responsibilities.

Offering specific, objective criteria, the model nurtures reflection and growth across:

  • Schoolwide improvement
  • Instruction
  • Continuous development
  • Collaboration
  • Values
  • Resource management

What Makes the Marzano Focused School Leader Evaluation Model Unique?


Enables school leaders to balance instructional and operational/organizational leadership.


Supports school leaders to create a standards-based environment where all students have equal opportunities to thrive.


Clearly defines the school leader’s role in keeping the school focused on core values.


Cultivates a caring, collaborative culture where school leaders and stakeholders embrace continuous improvement.

Learn more about the Focused School Leader Evaluation Model

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A Comprehensive Evaluation Model Emphasizing:

  • Data-driven approaches for student achievement and school improvement
  • Alignment of curriculum and instruction with rigorous state standards
  • Continuous development for all staff members
  • Cultivation of a caring, collaborative school community
  • Core values of transparency, trust, responsiveness, and safety
  • Efficient resource management for school improvement

Roadmap to School Growth

The design of this evidence-based model explicitly connects instructional and operational leadership while balancing these interconnected responsibilities.

The framework identifies 21 elements, divided into six areas of expertise to encourage and measure school leader growth.

The first three areas focus on instructional leadership responsibilities:

  • A Data-Driven Focus on School Improvement
  • Instruction of a Viable and Guaranteed Curriculum,
  • Continuous Development of Teachers and Staff

The second three areas focus on the operational aspects of leadership:

  • Community of Care and Collaboration
  • Core Values
  • Resource Management

The protocols include a specific desired effect for each element and numerous sample evidence statements to support school growth and optimal student learning.

School leaders develop expertise as their performance is evaluated against specific criteria, alignment to professional standards, and specific evidence.

Ready to learn more about the Marzano Focused School Leader Evaluation Model?