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Non-Classroom Evaluation

Recognizing the Impact Support Staff Have on Student Achievement

Unifying Language for Student Impact Beyond the Classroom

The Focused Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model is aligned to the teacher model and addresses the unique practices and responsibilities of non-classroom instructional support staff.

This specialized framework highlights the distinct roles of personnel who support students and enhance classroom teacher effectiveness. This model is designed to work together with the teacher model but can be implemented independently if desired.

Like our other evaluation solutions, this model emphasizes specific goals and observable behaviors. It integrates seamlessly with our comprehensive suite of educator evaluation models, ensuring systemic alignment and a unified focus on student achievement.

Designed for Support Personnel

The Marzano Focused Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model is best suited for staff members who support instruction at the school or district level, but who do not have day-to-day teaching schedules with specific groups of students. These include:

  • Guidance counselors
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Media specialists
  • Other district personnel required to hold a teacher certificate, and/or technology teachers
two peers speaking happily - continuous improvement evaluation

Foster growth, provide supportive feedback, and ensure accountability for the essential support roles that empower student success alongside teachers.

Student, School, and District Support

The design of this evidence-based model has been tailored to assess the specific roles and duties of personnel whose primary responsibilities do not involve direct classroom instruction.

The framework identifies 17 professional and instructional strategies, divided into four areas of expertise to measure growth:

  • Planning and Preparing to Provide Support
  • Supporting Student Achievement, Standards-Based Instruction
  • Continuous Improvement of Professional Practice
  • Professional Responsibilities

The protocols list specific desired effects for each strategy and sample support member evidence, implementation evidence, and student evidence where applicable.

While the model can be used independently, it was developed to be used in conjunction with the Focused Teacher Evaluation Model. Non-instructional personnel develop expertise as their performance is evaluated against specific criteria and when appropriate, student evidence of the desired effect.

Ready to learn more about the Marzano Focused Non-Classroom Instructional Support Personnel Evaluation Model?