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Vision Driven Teacher Evaluation

Observation Processes Designed to Achieve Your Mission

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Reframing Teacher Evaluation

Teacher evaluation is required in every school and district, but with the challenges facing schools, it often gets overlooked or becomes just a compliance exercise.

Does your observation and evaluation process:

  • Foster growth that empowers students, teachers, and leaders?
  • Cultivate a teaching and learning environment that aligns with your vision of student success?
  • Establish a common language of instruction to support professional collaboration and continuous improvement?

It’s time to reframe evaluation around empowerment, growth, vision, and outcomes. Join us for a free, virtual seminar to explore practical strategies for getting the most value out of teacher evaluation processes.

You will learn how to:

  • Align your observation and evaluation process to your mission and vision
  • Encourage continuous improvement in teacher practice through evidence-based feedback
  • Cultivate an engaging, student-centered culture that nurtures independent, higher-order thinking in students

Receive a Free Research-Based Report

Upon registering, you will receive a report on the research-validated Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model (FTEM) with suggested implementation methods.

Watch the Seminar

Our Co-Hosts and Expert Educators

Eva Tucker-Nevels

Eva Tucker-Nevels, Ed.D

Leadership Consultant and Staff Developer
Marzano Evaluation Center

Lee Manly

Lee Manly, MBA

Sr. Director, Evaluation and Strategic Partnerships
Marzano Evaluation Center

175 Cornell Road, Suite 18, Blairsville, PA  15717 | Copyright © 2024, Marzano Evaluation Center